Read the text and answer the quest!on
B!ll Gates was born on 25th October, 1955. He was the founder of M!crosoft Technology Company and one of
the most successful bus!nessmen. He was 13 when he started to work on computers. In 1972, he set up h!s
f!rst company w!th a fr!end. F!rst, they wrote a program language that helped computers to work faster. Then,
!n 1977, they sold programs to b!g compan!es l!ke Apple. In 1983, he !nvented the f!rst wr!t!ng program that
uses a mouse. Two years later, he !nvented M!crosoft, the most famous computer program. M!crosoft made
computers eas!er and faster to use. In 2016, B!ll Gates was one of the r!chest men !n the world.
Accord!ng to the passage, B!ll Gates - - - -.
A) stud!ed computer technology at un!vers!ty
B) set up h!s f!rst company when he was 17
C) was more !nterested !n mob!le phones than computers
D) was the r!chest man !n the world before he started to work on computers