Cevap :
=====> Architecture
architecture my dream is to be an architect. I really see it as a passion in my life. I have loved drawing since I was little. Maybe this is where I wanted to be an architect. I always return to architecture no matter how many other professions I look at. I sleep with it. I hope one day I will be real...
hayalim mimar olmak.gerçektende buna hayatimda tutku olarak görüyorüm.küçüklükten beri çizim yapmayı sevmişimdir.belki mimarlık olmak istediğim buradan gelmiştir.ne kadar diğer mesleklere baksam hep mimarlığa geri dönüyörum.dekor yapmayı ve renk seçimim çok beğeniyorum.çok eğlenceli bir meslek.Hergün bu hayali kurarak uyuyorum.Umarım birgün gerçekten olurum...
~~NOT:kötü olmuşsa kusura bakma.elimde geleniyle böyle yazdım.eğer kısaysa ekleyebilirsin
eacher is the person who shapes the future of everyone by providing best education yo her/his stundents.Teacher plays a great role in the education of every stundent. A good teacher has many qualities and fully able to make his/her stundents successful in life. A teacher is very intelligend and know well that how to draw attenition of stundents towards sutdy. She uses creativity while teaching stundenst so that stundenst may concentrate. Teacher is a good conductor of knowledge having lf stundents. Teacher knows the ablitiy of each and eTACHER