Cevap :
The First of the three-part series, Star Wars, is the tale of a band of heroes who team together for the good of the universe and the money. The story begins as Princess Leia is held hostage by the Galactic Empire in order to crush the rebellion against them. During the attack on Leia’s ship two droids, R2-D2 and C-P30, escape through an escape pod. They landed on a foreign planet and were captured and sold to their new master Luke Skywalker. The Empire chases the droids because they have a secret map detailing the whereabouts of the rebel base.
As the empire searches for the map they destroy Luke’s home. With nowhere to go R2-D2 leads Luke to Old Ben. One of the last Jedi Knights Ben takes Luke and the droids across the universe to the planet Orion in search of help. They meet Han Solo and Chewbacca who have a ship to get them there.