Archaeologist Mark Aldenderier set out some time ago to explore remote cliff side caves in Nepal aiming to find human remains just near an ancient settlement high in the Himalayas Almost at once he came face-to-face with what he was seeking Jutting out from the rock, he recalls "a skull was looking at me" The skull, cating back perhaps 2.500 He years was among many human bones piled inside several burial caves. Aldenderfer and his team hope that DNA analysis will help determine the origins of Mehis isolated region's inhabitants, who may have migrated from the Tibetan Plateau Nearby Aldenderier and his colleagues also found 8.000 3 manuscripts at least 500 years old. Their contents are still being deciphered, but scholars say they will şhed new light on ancient inhabitants of the region ale 47. We can understand from the passage that Aldenderfer ---- A) didn't think that there would be any bones or skulls in the region B tried hard to find some remains belonging to the region's inhabitants found a skull and bones belonging to the dead of an ancient community D) was seeking to find the ruins of an ancient city in the region E) was with his colleagues when he first saw the skull​