sonra bir kus sesi duydum ve sese dogru ilerledim. hic beklemiyorken bir masaya carptim ve uzerinde bir not vardi. elektrikler olmadigi icin okuyamiyordum ama sadece “uyanmak icin uyu.” yazan kismi okuyabildim. belki bu karanliktan kurtulabilirim diye dusunup oldugum yere oturup uyumaya calistim ama hicbir sey olmadi. derken elime bir kagit daha geldi. okuyabildigim tek kisim “kurtulmak icin basit dusun” yazan kisimdi. sonra yataga gidip uyumam gerektigini anladim ve kendimi yatagimin yaninda buldum. uyudum ve uyaninca bunlarin sadece ruya oldugunu anladim.
ingilizceye cevirebilir misiniz acil!

Cevap :


Then I heard a bird sound and I moved towards the sound. When I wasn't expecting it, I crashed into a table and there was a note on it. I couldn't read because there was no electricity, but only "sleep to wake up." I was able to read the text. I tried to sit down and sleep, thinking maybe I can get rid of this darkness, but nothing happened. Then another piece of paper came to my hand. The only one I could read was the one that said "think simple to get rid of". Then I realized that I needed to go to bed and sleep, and I found myself next to my bed. I slept and when I woke up I realized that these were just dreams.