Cevap :
Merhabalar, Restoranta gelen bir çift ve bir garsondan oluşan, üç kişilik bir diyalog yazalım. Çiftimizin adları Fry ve Leela, garsonumuzun ismi ise Zoidberg olsun. Sunum için sınıfta bir masa ya da sıra tahtanın önüne konulur ve sınıfın kapısından giren çiftimiz masaya oturur. Garson menüyü (bir defter ya da kitap) uzatarak:
Zoidberg: Welcome to the best restaurant in town, my name is Zoidberg. What may I serve you on this wonderful evening?
Leela: Thank you. I would like to have chicken with curry, please. Zoidberg: What about you sir, did you decide what you would like to have yet?
Fry: Aah, sorry. I always get nervous when somebody asks something in a hurny Well Lwould also lilko to have one whatever the lady just said.
Zoidberg: Whatever you want, sir. Aaand, what would you like to drink with your meal?
Fry: Aaah, what would you suggest?
Zoidberg: I would suggest sauvignon blanc. It suits the chicken you ordered.
Fry: Aaah, yes. The one you just said.
Leela: What a wonderful choice, I didn't know you were a classy man.
Fry: Of course I am.
Zoidberg: Will be ready in a minute, sir.
(Siparişler gelip yendikten sonra)
Fry: May I have the check please?
Bender: Here is your check sir, I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening as well, if you know what I mean. (chuckles)
(Fry, hesabin pahalı olduğunu farkederek)
Fry: Aaah, okay. For once, I wilI let you pay Leela. But tomorrow, we will go to a better place called Çorumlu Ali'nin Yeri and I will pay this time.
Leela: It's okay, Fry. Don't worry.
(Leela hesabın pahalı olduğunu farkederek somurtarak hesabı öder)
Leela: Here you go, Zoidberg.
Zoidberg: Thank you, madam. Have a good night, while I don't think you will.
Leela: Yeeah, me neither.