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Isaac Newton
Isaac NewtonID card
Isaac NewtonID cardYear of birth and death: 1643-1727
Isaac NewtonID cardYear of birth and death: 1643-1727From: England
Isaac NewtonID cardYear of birth and death: 1643-1727From: EnglandField of interest: Physics, mathematics, astronomy and philosophy
Isaac NewtonID cardYear of birth and death: 1643-1727From: EnglandField of interest: Physics, mathematics, astronomy and philosophyOne of the most important and influential scientists in the history of science, Newton did his studies in England, the country of his birth. Born into a middle-class farming family, Newton entered college at the age of 12 and graduated with honors. He was a bit of a shy character. This was a feature that prevented him from revealing some of his inventions in the following years.
Isaac NewtonID cardYear of birth and death: 1643-1727From: EnglandField of interest: Physics, mathematics, astronomy and philosophyOne of the most important and influential scientists in the history of science, Newton did his studies in England, the country of his birth. Born into a middle-class farming family, Newton entered college at the age of 12 and graduated with honors. He was a bit of a shy character. This was a feature that prevented him from revealing some of his inventions in the following years.He became a famous scientist who made his mark in history with his new formulas in the field of mathematics, the development of the mirror telescope and the theory he developed about gravity.
Isaac NewtonID cardYear of birth and death: 1643-1727From: EnglandField of interest: Physics, mathematics, astronomy and philosophyOne of the most important and influential scientists in the history of science, Newton did his studies in England, the country of his birth. Born into a middle-class farming family, Newton entered college at the age of 12 and graduated with honors. He was a bit of a shy character. This was a feature that prevented him from revealing some of his inventions in the following years.He became a famous scientist who made his mark in history with his new formulas in the field of mathematics, the development of the mirror telescope and the theory he developed about gravity.famous saying
Isaac NewtonID cardYear of birth and death: 1643-1727From: EnglandField of interest: Physics, mathematics, astronomy and philosophyOne of the most important and influential scientists in the history of science, Newton did his studies in England, the country of his birth. Born into a middle-class farming family, Newton entered college at the age of 12 and graduated with honors. He was a bit of a shy character. This was a feature that prevented him from revealing some of his inventions in the following years.He became a famous scientist who made his mark in history with his new formulas in the field of mathematics, the development of the mirror telescope and the theory he developed about gravity.famous saying“Everything that goes up has to fall down.”
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Marie Curie
➭ Marie Curie, whose real name is Maria Skladowska and also known as Madame Curie, was born on November 7, 1867 in Poland. She was the first scientist to receive two Nobel Prizes, the first for her work on radioactivity, the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics and the second, the 1911 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Unfortunately, we lost her to blood cancer on July 4, 1934...
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