Cevap :
Nature and Our Life
Nature has an important place in our life. We see our future by offering us a beautiful life with its existence. The peace we find while our lungs are cleaned with clean oxygen keeps us away from stress. We need to take advantage of every opportunity that nature offers us to rest. We want nature to calm and rest us by leaving ourselves in the lap of nature. In the place where many living things such as trees, plants, birds and animals are hosted, people feel themselves with the embrace of mother nature. The love of trees allows the creation of nature. In the past, Turks used to protect their future by planting a sapling for each child. The importance they gave to nature was always known, especially the epic of Ergenekon was lived among the trees.With the love of trees, you will protect your future and your loved ones. When they are not, you will not have a life, and you cannot even breathe clean air. The way you behave, the nature will respond to you in the same way. The love of nature should be instilled in people by raising awareness, so that they continue on this path in future generations.
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Doğa ve İnsan
Doğa kendiliğinden varolan, sürekli kendini yenileyen canlı ve cansız varlıkların tümüne verilen addır. Şöyle kafamızı pencereden çıkarıp dışarıya baktığımızda doğayı görürüz. Doğa; evren varolduğundan beri var olan iklim şartları ve farklı faktörlere göre değişen bir yapıdır. Doğanın sürekli kendini yenilemesi ve doğal dengenin korunması canlı hayatının vazgeçilmez unsurlarındandı.
Son yıllarda gerek televizyon kanallarında gerekse de günlük hayatımızda küresel ısınma hakkında pek çok şey duymaktayız. Evren var olduğundan beri sürekli kendini yenileyen doğa maalesef son yıllarda insan eli ile sürekli sarar görmekte ve kendini yenilemekte sıkıntı yaşamaktadır. Evren var olduğundan beri sürekli kendini yenileyen doğa maalesef son yıllarda insan eli ile sürekli zarar görmekte ve kendini yenilemekte sıkıntı yaşamaktadır. İnsan doğaya; çöplerini atarak, çevresini kirleterek, canlıların yaşamını tehlikeye atarak, bilinçsiz avlanma yaparak, ağaçları kesip ormanları yok ederek, içme sularına zehirli atıklar atarak, radyasyon ve benzeri kimyasal maddelerin doğaya salarak, sürekli tüketim içerisinde olarak, tarım ilaçları atarak, doğaya sürekli zarar vermektedir. Verilen bu zararlar bir süre sonra doğada dönüş olmayan birçok yıkıma sebep oluyor. Bizlere düşen elimizden geldiğince doğaya sahip onu korumak olmalıdır. Unutmamak gerekir ki doğa bizim evimizdir. Doğanın göreceği zarardan en büyük payı alan yine insan olacaktır.
Son yıllarda dünyamız küresel ısınma, su sıkıntısı ve birçok hastalıkla uğraşmakta ve maalesef çözüm için sonuç alamamaktadır. Daha yaşanabilir bir doğa için elimizden ne geliyorsa az çok demeden yapmalıyız. Doğayı koruyan kurum ve kuruluşlara destek vermeliyiz.
Dinimizde doğayı korumamızı emreder. Peygamberimiz bir hadisinde “kıyametin koptuğunu duysanız dahi elinizde bir fidan varsa onu toprağa dikin” diyerek doğaya verdiği önemi gösterir.
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Loving and Protecting Nature
Nature is one of the most beautiful gifts that everyone should embrace and love. Nature constantly offers us the most beautiful beauties and blessings. Friends, we need to instill the love of nature into people, without saying the love of nature, children, old and young. Nature has always helped us. We should always keep in mind that it is a gift from Almighty Allah, who expects simple love from us, while his blessings come to our table, picnic areas and clean oxygen in the construction of our houses.
For these reasons, it is necessary to love and protect nature constantly, and it should not be forgotten that nature is a gift entrusted to us by future generations, not ours. Nature is an activity of the environment we live in. Thanks to the clean oxygen in nature; we breathe, we live healthy and we make a living. Sometimes we get our grains and fruits for food from trees that grow in nature.
Living and non-living things create a natural environment by influencing each other in nature. The important factors that make up the natural environment are substances, antibiotic substances, consumers, and living things that are divided into producers. Organisms are in a cycle, a nutrient exchange with each other. This is how the ecosystem works. However, humans are destroying the natural environment. It is quite possible to live without disturbing the natural environment.
Many countries in the world continue their lives in a healthy way by protecting nature without harming the natural environment. In order not to disturb the natural environment, we should not harm trees, destroy forests and build buildings instead. We should not pollute the waters, and we should not throw chemical wastes into our drinking and utility waters. Also, we should not pollute lakes and seas with garbag
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Nature Love
The magnificence of nature is approached with love. A beauty in every blend carries a different value. By approaching nature with love, we can make it even more beautiful. We must protect and protect the nature, which was given to us by mother nature, with love and affection.
It is obvious that nature is our future and that of our children. One of the legacies we would leave them would be a green environment. Apart from property, they will have money. Nature is the greatest gift to the future and life. It is necessary to be with nature for a life and a future. If we love nature, we will have continued our life by loving our future. It is our nature that helps us at every point, guides us and solves our problems.
We must be in nature for a happy and peaceful life. As the owner of a future, a life, we can continue our lives so happily. It is possible for us to be a part of the beautiful life by acting in unity.
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Beautiful People, Beautiful Environment
It is quite possible to live in a way that respects nature and the environment. We should all be conscious people and not harm the natural environment. Let's not forget that if the natural environment is destroyed, we will also disappear. It is the biggest factor that opens people up, refreshes and makes them peaceful. It is up to him to find peace in the environment. If a person takes care of his environment and keeps it clean, there will be no happier and more useful person than him.
By taking many living things, nature has created different ways for them to live.
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Let's Protect Nature
Nature is the element that covers the entire ecological system that you can see around you and covers all living and non-living things.
When nature is mentioned, the first images that come to mind in our minds are usually either a forest, a mountain range or the sea with vast beaches. Nature means the environment, at least partially. This brings to mind the environmental problems our world has been experiencing in the last period. Recently, with the development of technology, there have been so many environmental disasters that when we talk about nature and the environment, one's heart ache. It is perceived as a concept that people enjoyed in the past, where we do not know, but that does not exist today. This is partially true because if we continue to destroy nature and pollute the environment at this speed, we will one day be living on a plateau out of a science fiction movie.
There is a linear proportionality between the merciless speed of technology and the destruction of nature. As technology develops, human beings who start to become asocial are encouraged to consume more, which allows us to reach speeds of destroying nature faster than the speed of nature's self-renewal.
Let life continue, if we want to live healthier and longer, each individual must live with a great responsibility, be conscious and avoid unnecessary consumption. These basic rules may seem easy to read while writing, but difficult when it comes to practice, but we personally know which habit we can sacrifice a little bit, but we find it difficult to do. If we can overcome this, we can have a healthy environment, a wide rich nature and finally a planet where happy people live.
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