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Cevap :

Cats can see in the dark 6 times better than humans.

Do not put your cat's food underfoot. They want privacy when they eat. For this reason, places that are frequently passed are not correct as dining areas.

Dogs have the intelligence of a 2-3 year old child.

Cats are among the mammals that love to sleep the most. They spend 16 hours a day sleeping. Some say that cats can even sleep while walking. However, the most active times for cats are in the evening.

Cats can make 100 different sounds, dogs can make 10 sounds.

Cats can pretend to be sick if you change their daily habits.

Even small amounts of fresh and raisins can cause kidney problems in dogs.

The lifespan of dogs can be deduced from their facial shape. Long-nosed, wolf-like dogs live longer than flat-faced dogs.

In the Ancient Egyptian Civilization, dogs were highly respected animals. Dog owners mourned for days when their dog died.

Cats recognize your voice but don't react because they don't care.

Chocolate, cooked onions, or foods containing caffeine are harmful to dogs.

Your cat understands what you are saying from your tone of voice. You can talk to them! For example, they understand very well that you are shouting.

It has been observed that when some cats do not like the shape of the water bowl, they prefer to drink by sucking their paws instead of drinking with their tongue.  

If born by cesarean section and cleaned before being returned to the mother, mother dogs can sometimes reject their puppies after birth.