
Read Or Not
The Fox and The Crow
One bright morning the Fox was hungry and he was looking for food in the
wood. While he was wandering around, he saw a Crow on a tree above his
head. The Fox has never seen a Crow before. The reason why the Crow
noticed him today was she was holding a piece of cheese in her beak.
"I don't need to look for food no more!" thought the Fox. "Here is a delicious
bite for my breakfast."
The Crow walked slowly to the tree on which the Crow was sitting and said,
The Crow turned her head to the voice. Because she was still holding the
cheese in her beak, she couldn't reply the Fox. The Fox started saying
great things about her: "What a beautiful bird she is!"
"How her feathers shine! She must have a lovely voice, because everything
about her is so nice. Could she sing a song for me?"
The Crow was flattered and she forgot about what she was holding and
opened her beak wide to start singing. She was shocked! As she started
singing, the cheese fell down into the Fox's mouth.
"Thank you," said the Fox sweetly, as he walked off. "You have a voice sure
enough. But where are your wits?"

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