Student A: Imagine you were involved in one of the situations below. Tell Students B and C about your experience, explaining what happened, what you did and how you felt.
You had a car accident.
Your car broke down.
news while
You went through a red light and the police stopped you.
You ran out of petrol.
Students B and C: You see your friend (Student A), and realise that something is troubling him/her. Ask what is wrong and respond to his/her bad news. Show concern and, if necessary, criticise his/her actions. Ask questions to find out more about his/her experience.
TIP When talking to another person, listen carefully to what he/she is saying so that you can respond appropriately. Also, remember that a good way to maintain the conversation is by asking Wh-questions (e.g. Why did you do that?, When did it happen?) to find out about certain details. Avoid asking Yes/No questions.
B. Write a short paragraph describing the situation you discussed in activity A above.
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