
Possessive Adjectives


The verb be 

Have / has got


Kısa konu anlatımı 


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Cevap :

Possessive Adjectives (My, His, Your)

Possessive pronouns whose name, stating that the child elements of that person pronouns are used to describe objects. Also belonging, to have and inform the English pronoun (pronoun) is the number of the possessive adjective.

I Me Me Me / BanaMy my
You You You You / SanaYour your
He is O (male) Him him / her of His Her
She is O (female), each her / him all his
It is O (non-living / animal) It's her / him Its his
We are We, Us Us / Contact Us Our Our
You You You You / You For Your Your
Them, them, them they / them, Their Their

► Possessive pronouns never be used alone. A name they have to come back to that later. I mean, possessive adjectives and nouns are used in conjunction with a name to come before the name of the qualify.

An example of this situation in which we are most familiar phrases.
A: What is your name?
B: My name is Sue.
In this example, "your" and "my" words that come before the name (name) who gave the information to which it belongs.

► The most common mistakes on this topic at the beginning of the sentence, write, or to say that Turkish is thinking. Examine the situation become clearer in the following example.

Turkish thinking can say something like someone who is trying to speak English.

A: Hey, this is my pen. (Hey, this is my pen.) WRONG!
As you can see, my English even if it means to me, in the sentence can not be used in this way. Must necessarily come after the name.

► singular possessive adjectives wherever you want, whether it is the name used after sıfatından plural possessive important matter. This individual will function as an adjective clause tekilse name. Name çoğulsa it will function as plural adjective clause.
- My book is blue. (My book is blue.)
- My books are blue (blue my books.)
- Our teacher is good. (Our teacher is good.)
- Our teachers are good. (Our teachers are good.)

His school (his school)
His girlfriend (his girlfriend)
Each car (his car)
Every house (his house)
Your mother (your mother)
Your mistake (your fault)
Our family (our family)
Our living room (our living room)
Our teacher (our teacher)
Their money (their money)
Their table (their table)
Their television (their TV)
My sister (my sister)
My exam (my test)

devamını mesaj olarak atacağım.


İngilizce possessive adjectives konusu Türkçe İyelik sıfatları - İyelik ekikonusuna karşılık gelir. Sahip olma durumlarını belirtmede kullanılırlar. İsimlerden önce kullanılırlar.

Aşağıdaki örnek cümle ve türkçelerini inceleyelim:

That's my daughter.

Şu benim kızım.

Is this your book?

Bu senin kitabın mı?

This is her office.

Bu onun ofisi.

I've got their phone number.

Telefon numaralarını unuttum.